Can multi-tasking really be humanly done?

Multitasking is concurrent tasking. Completing two or more tasks simultaneously. And a reality for how many of our lives.

Multitasking can be overwhelming and inhibiting your ability to stay committed to your goals, whether they be long or short term. Some of us pride ourselves in our ability to multitask and some of us dread the pressure called upon us. Either way, can this act truly be humanly done?

Research has shown that your brain is actually switching tasks quickly, not completing them simultaneously. Realizing this, knowing that we do not have to be overwhelmed by this, can allow us to concentrate. Yes even if we happen to be the ones who pride ourselves on how effective we are at multitasking. Should I take my trophy down…?

It does not matter if we believe we are effective or ineffective at multitasking, the science is that the brain can not complete multi-tasks concurrently. And knowing this fact will now make it much easier to focus, much easier to concentrate on our goals, much easier to achieve a flow.


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