
The nagging feeling that you should be doing something but you just can not bring yourself to start or finish. Is this a lack of motivation,inspiration or achievement? Start by connecting with your goal/achievement, if you can not connect be sure to practice your visualization. Always have a collective of your vision on a vision board since it can help sift through your ideas and what you are trying to achieve. These vision boards should be beautiful, full of vivid color and evoke excitement.

If you feel connected to your goal yet you feel low on energy or low on time to complete the task. Clear your distractions and make time for your task very early in the morning. You can always take a nap for energy throughout the day. Give your goal your first dedication early in the morning. Make sure you complete even the smallest portion of a step towards your goal each day, no matter how small it is. Chances are your sense of accomplishment early in the morning will power you through the rest of the day.

You have your goal, you have the time and are ready to work but feel no spark. This could be a lack of inspiration. The vision board will be helpful here, collect images and sayings about your goal and increase your inner fire. Keep your connection to the goal strong and fresh in your mind as many times a day as you can. You will begin to feel excited and you will know your path is being cleared.

[0]: Niklas Rhöse & Milos Tonchevski

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